Esta es la última acuarela del año. No he conseguido pintar 200 pero me divertí intentándolo. El próximo año voy hacer un blog de acuarelas. ¿Cuando?. Cuando termine de limpiar las hojas del jardín, cuando por fin me sienta inspirado, cuando mi control sobre la acuarela sea aceptable, cuando...
Mientras tanto, seguiré poniendo en Picasa. Feliz año nuevo. Espero que el próximo año sea tan bueno como este o mejor dependiendo de las cirsustancias de cada uno.
This watercolor is the last in this year, I haven't reached to paint 200, but it was funny to try getting it. I'm going to make, in the next year a new blog of watercolors or at least that is my intention. When?. When finish to clean my garden, when finally I'm feeling inspirated, when my control with watercolor be acceptable, when...
Meanwhile I'll keep posting at Picassa. Happy New Year. I hope that the next year will be so good as this or better depending on every one.
lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010
domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010
domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010
Compré estas manzanas por sus colores. Se llama esta variedad "Reinetas". Las dos tienen diferentes colores, lo digo porque una tiene un color marrón un tanto extraño. Si las he pintado así no es porque haya tenido una repentina enfermedad ocular, son como son, por lo tanto. También son tan grandes que con una de ellas una familia puede comer; naturalmente una familia que ha perdido la costumbre de comer, como está sucediendo en la crisis actual.
These apples were bought by its colors. The variety fruit's name is " Reinetas" .Both of them have different colors, I say because one of them has one brown color, a bit uncommon. If I've painted it in this way, is not due to a sudden disease of my eyes, therefore, they are as they are. Also, they are so big that with one of them a family can eat; of course, a family who has lost the custom of eating, as it is just happening in the present crisis.
These apples were bought by its colors. The variety fruit's name is " Reinetas" .Both of them have different colors, I say because one of them has one brown color, a bit uncommon. If I've painted it in this way, is not due to a sudden disease of my eyes, therefore, they are as they are. Also, they are so big that with one of them a family can eat; of course, a family who has lost the custom of eating, as it is just happening in the present crisis.
sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010
Tres membrillos
He estado guardando estos membrillos varios días para hacer un óleo. Creo que durarán dos o tres semanas más , así que espero utilizarlos para, seguramente, alguna acuarela.
I have been keeping these quinces for several days to make an oil painting. I think, probably they will last for two or three weeks more, so I hope to use them again in other paintings, probably a watercolor.
I have been keeping these quinces for several days to make an oil painting. I think, probably they will last for two or three weeks more, so I hope to use them again in other paintings, probably a watercolor.
miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010
Hace algunos días fui al museo Thyssen para ver la exposición sobre los Jardines Impresionistas. Los impresionistas y los fovistas son mis pintores favoritos. Me gustó sobre todo una pintura de Berta Morisot que representaba dos mujeres en el jardín, una de ellas llevaba un vestido blanco brillando al sol. Cuando te aproximabas a la pintura veías sus pinceladas sueltas y los colores blanco, azul, verde, rosa...
Una pintura magnífica. Merece la pena ir para verla.
Some days ago, I went to the musseum Thyssen to watch the exposure about the Impressionist gardens. Impressionist and fauvist are my favorite painters. I especially liked a Berthe Morisot painting, it represented two woman in the garden, one of them weared a dress white shining to the sun. When you come near to picture, is possible to see her loose brushstrokes and colors white, blue, green, pink...
A wonderful painting. It's worth going to see it.
Una pintura magnífica. Merece la pena ir para verla.
Some days ago, I went to the musseum Thyssen to watch the exposure about the Impressionist gardens. Impressionist and fauvist are my favorite painters. I especially liked a Berthe Morisot painting, it represented two woman in the garden, one of them weared a dress white shining to the sun. When you come near to picture, is possible to see her loose brushstrokes and colors white, blue, green, pink...
A wonderful painting. It's worth going to see it.
jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
Botella y fruta
Se puede ver facilmente que es una botella de vino de la Ribera del Duero, la fruta Kaki, la he puesto para despistar
As you can see easily is a wine bottle of Ribera del Duero and I put the fruit Kaki just to mislead.
As you can see easily is a wine bottle of Ribera del Duero and I put the fruit Kaki just to mislead.
sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010
Pueblo de galicia al atardecer

Este es un pueblo que está al otro lado de la bahía, delante de mi casa en Galicia. No quiero decir su nombre para evitar que la gente se ría de mí. Me parece que he simplificado demasiado. Así que, esta adivinación es más difícil que la del último perro.A continuación, una acuarela de flores.
Por cierto, estas acuarelas serán las últimas que voy a publicar en mi blog. Trato de no confundir a la gente si mis posts son acuarelas, óleos o pasteles. Sigo pintando acuarelas y pastel, pero se pueden ver en mi álbum de Picassa
This is a village which is across the bay, in front of my home in Galicia. I don't want to say its name to avoid that people laugh at me. I think , I've been using a lot of simplification. So that, this divination is harder than the dog's last.
Below, a floral watercolor. By the way, these watercolors will be the last I'll post in my blog. I try not confuse to the people whether my posts are watercolors, oils or pastels. I keep painting watercolors and pastel, but you can find them at my Picassa's album.
viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010
El paseo con el perro
Si no se puede ver el perro es porque estaba detrás de un árbol y la pintura es un poco pequeña. Es probable que tenga que hacer uso de su imaginación, pero el perro estaba ahí
Walking around with the dog. If you cannot see the dog it's because it was behind a tree and the painting is a bit small. Probably, you need using your imagination, but the dog was there.
Walking around with the dog. If you cannot see the dog it's because it was behind a tree and the painting is a bit small. Probably, you need using your imagination, but the dog was there.
domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010
Después de ver tantos pasteles me ha entrado el apetito y decidí pintar uno. Cuando lo estaba pintando recordé que hace algunos años, en la clase de pintura había una alumna, que pintaba estupendos pasteles. Fabulosos. Yo le envidiaba sus pasteles y ella mis acuarelas, o por lo menos eso me decía. No puedo olvidar un membrillo que pintó verdaderamente genial. Entonces yo traté de pintarlo, pero fracasé. Ahora he pintado este que no tiene nada que ver con aquel que ella había pintado. Ya aprenderé a hacerlo como lo hizo.
After watching so many pastel paintings I decided to paint one of them. While I was painted it, I remembered, some years ago, at the painting class there was a woman, who painted wonderful pastels.
Great!. I envied her her pastels and she envied me my watercolors. At least that told me it. I can't forget a great painting of quince, was really terrific. Then, I tried vainly painting a quince, but I couldn't. Now, I've painted this, which has nothing to do with that. Her quince was much better. I'll learn to do it like she did.
After watching so many pastel paintings I decided to paint one of them. While I was painted it, I remembered, some years ago, at the painting class there was a woman, who painted wonderful pastels.
Great!. I envied her her pastels and she envied me my watercolors. At least that told me it. I can't forget a great painting of quince, was really terrific. Then, I tried vainly painting a quince, but I couldn't. Now, I've painted this, which has nothing to do with that. Her quince was much better. I'll learn to do it like she did.
jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010
Esta pintura la hice cerca de mi casa con mi amigo Juan. Estuvimos pintando durante dos horas. Mi pintura sólo es de 23x18 cm y la suya s de 44x38 cm. Usando mis profundos conocimientos matemáticos, pude notar que su pintura es cuatro veces mayor que la mía. Sin embargo, la terminó al mismo tiempo. Sin ninguna duda es capaz de pintar mas deprisa que yo.
Aquí está mi pintura y en la parte inferior la suya.
I painted this landscape close my home in the morning with my friend Juan. We've been painting for two hours with differents canvas sizes. My painting is only 23x18 cms. and yours is 44x38 cms. Thanks to my deep mathematic's knowledge, I can see that his painting is four times bigger than mine. However he finished at the same time . Without any doubt he's able to paint faster than I.
Here is my painting and the other at the bottom is of my friend.
Aquí está mi pintura y en la parte inferior la suya.
I painted this landscape close my home in the morning with my friend Juan. We've been painting for two hours with differents canvas sizes. My painting is only 23x18 cms. and yours is 44x38 cms. Thanks to my deep mathematic's knowledge, I can see that his painting is four times bigger than mine. However he finished at the same time . Without any doubt he's able to paint faster than I.
Here is my painting and the other at the bottom is of my friend.
jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010
Ciruelas rojas
He pintado estas ciruelas rojas y luego hice otra pintura en acuarela
I painted these red plums and after I did other painting at watercolor.
I painted these red plums and after I did other painting at watercolor.
viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010
He imaginado esta marina, es una acuarela y la pinte sin usar ninguna foto. Quería pintar el mar cuando rompe contra las rocas y el cielo al final de la tarde. En realidad es un ejercicio de las olas chocando en las rocas , ahora necesito practicar la forma de las olas
This seascape is imaginary, is a watercolor and I painted it without any photo. I wanted paint the sea when is breaking against rocks and the sky at the end of the afternoon. Really, it's an exercise about waves on the rocks. I need to pratice now the wave shapes.
This seascape is imaginary, is a watercolor and I painted it without any photo. I wanted paint the sea when is breaking against rocks and the sky at the end of the afternoon. Really, it's an exercise about waves on the rocks. I need to pratice now the wave shapes.
miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010
Estas frutas parecen manzanas pero son membrillos, proceden del membrillero japónico- chaenomeles speciosa- su nombre botánico. Es un arbusto que produce unas flores rojas muy bonitas y luego da frutos. Yo pinté estas que tienen los colores amarillos verdosos sobre un cristal
These fruits are look like apples but are really Japanese quinces - chaenomeles speciosa- is its scientific name. It's a bush very beautiful which produce red flowers and finally fruits.
I painted these, whose colors are greenish yellow, over a glass.
These fruits are look like apples but are really Japanese quinces - chaenomeles speciosa- is its scientific name. It's a bush very beautiful which produce red flowers and finally fruits.
I painted these, whose colors are greenish yellow, over a glass.
sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010
Aquí he tratado de mostrar una imagen otoñal. Como puede verse es muy sencilla. La próxima vez voy a pintar una escena urbana, que creo es algo más complicado.
In this watercolor I tried to show one autumn image. As you can see is very simple. The next time I'm going to paint about a picture urban, which I think is something more complicated
In this watercolor I tried to show one autumn image. As you can see is very simple. The next time I'm going to paint about a picture urban, which I think is something more complicated
miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010
Estoy empezando a preocuparme. Esta pintura me gusta. Claro que tiene defectos y para no perder la costumbre de quejarme un poco, he aquí algunos. El lado derecho está algo confuso comparado con el izquierdo. Un cuadro tiene que tener un estilo uniforme. La hierba es mejorable, tal vez debería tener más detalle. Aquí no estoy muy seguro, pero el caso es encontrar defectos. ¿Y el tejado ?, por Dios, no se sabe de que está hecho. Por último los colores. La vegetación del lado derecho tiene unas manchas azuladas que no deberían estar, aunque aquí buena parte de la culpa es de la cámara fotográfica, que no los reproduce correctamente.
He decidido que a partir de ahora las críticas, las hagan mis amigos y amigas blogueros. Podeís empezar, los que tengan ganas, con este. Pero no olvidéis que mucho Internet impide pintar. Así que ¡ a pintar!. Supongo que yo soy mas crítico con mi trabajo que con los demás. A mí me gustan los pasteles de Maite y de Mega. los acrilicos tan realistas de Manel, los abstractos de Manolo, los estupendos dibujos de Dav, la sencillez y espontaneidad de los dibujos de Chicha, los dibujos de Fernando y los que pintan en tantos otros blogs de acuarelas y óleos que no visito tanto como quisiera, porque ya sabéis que los jubilados no tenemos tiempo para nada.
Y ahora me voy a practicar a la acuarela.
I begin to feel me worried. I like this painting. Certainly, it has several defects and in order not to loose my habit of complaining, here there are a few. The right side is a bit fuzzy if you contrast it with the left side. A painting should have an uniform style. Grass can be improved, maybe it doesn't have enough detail. Well, I'm not totally sure, but in any case my objetive is to find mistakes. And the roof?, my God, it's imposible to know what it's made. Finally colors. Vegetation at side right has some blue spots that probably they shouldn't to be there, although I think the guilty is the camara since its colors aren't correctly represented.
Now I've just decided that my friends of blogs are who put their critical comments instead myself. If anyone wants to do it he can begin with this painting. But you shouldn't forget that using too Internet avoids to make paintings. So that, painting is first!. So that, painting!. I suppose I'm more critical with my works than with others ones. I like the Maite's pastels and Mega, the realistics acrilics of Manel, the abstract paintings of Manolo, the wonderful drawings of Dav, the drawings simple and spontaneous of Chicha, the drawings of Fernando and many others paintings from other blogs about watercolors or oils that I can't visit as many as I would like, because as you know people who are retired don't have enough time. We are busy people.
Now I'm going to practise watercolors's painting
viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010
Pinté este paisaje en el Pardo pero cuando lo vi en casa decidí que tenía demasiadas cosas de modo que lo simplifiqué cambiando el fondo, sin embargo creo que sigue teniendo más de las que debería. He aprendido la lección, la próxima vez más sencillo.
I painted this lanscape in el Pardo but when I saw it home I decided that it had too many things, so I've changed the background, trying simplifying it, however I think It keeps having more than it should. I've learned the lesson, the next time more simple.
I painted this lanscape in el Pardo but when I saw it home I decided that it had too many things, so I've changed the background, trying simplifying it, however I think It keeps having more than it should. I've learned the lesson, the next time more simple.
martes, 5 de octubre de 2010
Pinte la acuarela simple y enfocada en las formas. Creo que en la acuarela es mejor seguir este enfoque. Cuando haya pintado 100 o 200 acuarelas, trataré de hacerlas más complicadas.
I painted this watercolor simple and focused on shapes. I think in watercolor is better to keep this aproach. When I had painted 100 or 200 watercolors, I'll do them more complicated.
I painted this watercolor simple and focused on shapes. I think in watercolor is better to keep this aproach. When I had painted 100 or 200 watercolors, I'll do them more complicated.
viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010
No hace mucho, alguien me pregunto como se pintan las uvas. Yo no soy un profesional, sólo he pintado seis óleos de uvas, pero voy a tratar de explicar mi método.
Primero pongo una capa de carmín diluida con aguarrás. Luego cuando se seca pinto todas las formas como se puede ver aquí.
Not long ago, someone asked me how to paint grapes. I'm not a professional painter, I've only painted six oils of grapes before now. But I'll try to show you my method.
First, I stained my canvas with a thin layer of crimson color. Then when was dry I painted all shapes such as can see here.
Segundo, pongo los colores sobre las formas. Yo casi no uso aguarás, sólo el necesario para que el pincel se pueda deslizar en el lienzo. En esta fase trato de poner los valores de los colores tan exactos como me es posible. Generalmente acostumbro a poner los colores algo más oscuros, porque luego los corregiré con colores mas claros si es necesario. El resultado es el que aparece en la parte superior. En la foto salieron reflejos que enmascaran algo el resultado.
Second, I begun to put color on shapes. I don't use almost turpentine, only for getting to slip my brush on the canvas. In this second phase, I intended to get colors in value, as accurate as possible. Generally I'm used to putting more dark color, because then I'll correct them with more clear colors trying to get the true colors. The result is at the top
En la tercera parte se ve el resultado final. Utilicé, blanco, azul ultramar, azul thalo, rojo cadmio, óxido rojo, carmín y amarillo cadmio. Los grises los obtengo mezclando azul ultramar, óxido rojo y blanco.
No estoy demasiado satisfecho con el resultado, así que pintaré más uvas.
This is what I did in the third part. I used colors, white, ultramarine blue, thalo blue, oxide red, crimson, cadmiun red and cadmiun yellow. Mixing ultramarine blue, oxide red and white I obtain grays.
I'm not too much happy with this painting, so that I'll keep painting more grapes.
martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010
Unas peras
Pinté estas peras cuidadosamente porque a mucha gente le gusta esta clase de estilo. Olvidé añadir algunas gotas de agua que lo hubiera hecho muy mono
This pears were painted carefully, because to many people likes this kind of style. I forgot to add some drops of water what would have made it quite cute.
Además, pinté de nuevo estas otras con un estilo diferente. Creo tambien pueden gustar
Further, I painted others ones with diferent style again. I think someone might like it also.
This pears were painted carefully, because to many people likes this kind of style. I forgot to add some drops of water what would have made it quite cute.
Además, pinté de nuevo estas otras con un estilo diferente. Creo tambien pueden gustar
Further, I painted others ones with diferent style again. I think someone might like it also.
sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010
Castillo de Pedraza
Este es el Castillo de pedraza que fue construido en el siglo XIII. Pedraza es un pueblo medieval de la provincia de Segovia, muy bonito y perfectamente conservado.
John Pike hizo varias acuarelas en Segovia y Toledo.
This is Pedraza's castle, which was built during century XIII. Pedraza is a medieval village in Segovia's province, very beautiful and perfectly conserved.
John Pike make several watercolors in Segovia and Toledo.
John Pike hizo varias acuarelas en Segovia y Toledo.
This is Pedraza's castle, which was built during century XIII. Pedraza is a medieval village in Segovia's province, very beautiful and perfectly conserved.
John Pike make several watercolors in Segovia and Toledo.
jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010
Un paseo
Por fin pude pintar al aire libre. Hice este paisaje con un amigo de la facultad de Físicas, que además nos sirvió para poder comprobar nuestros diferentes enfoques. Yo prefiero pintar con grandes manchas en vez de formas detalladas, por el contrario mi amigo prefiere la pintura más detallada.
Aquí se puede ver mi resultado.
At last, I could paint "plain air". I did this landscape with a University's friend and we were able to check our diferent approaches about it, at the same time. I always prefer painting with big shapes instead of detailed forms, on the contrary my friend likes more detailed paintings.
Here it can see my result.
Aquí se puede ver mi resultado.
At last, I could paint "plain air". I did this landscape with a University's friend and we were able to check our diferent approaches about it, at the same time. I always prefer painting with big shapes instead of detailed forms, on the contrary my friend likes more detailed paintings.
Here it can see my result.
martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010
Estos son los tejados de un pueblo de La Rioja. He pintado esta acuarela de una foto que tomé allí; fui con mis colegas de la Facultad en un estupendo viaje. Visitamos un montón de pueblos y bodegas, ya que como es sabido, La Rioja produce muy buenos vinos, sin embargo puedo asegurar que nadie se emborachó.
These are roofs of a Rioja's village. I painted this watercolor from a picture I took there; I went with my University's buddies on a wonderful trip. We visited a lot of villages and wineries because, as it's recognized throughout world there are great wines, however I can ensure nobody got drunk.
These are roofs of a Rioja's village. I painted this watercolor from a picture I took there; I went with my University's buddies on a wonderful trip. We visited a lot of villages and wineries because, as it's recognized throughout world there are great wines, however I can ensure nobody got drunk.
martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010
Primeras horas
Encontré esta acuarela, que no se porque no la publiqué. Creo que no está tan mal. Pertenece a una serie de 200 que voy hacer este año. Por supuesto yo tampoco me lo creo. Cuando la pinté trataba de mostrar un amanecer. ¿No lo parece?
I found this watercolor, which I don't know why I didn't post it, I think it isn't too bad. It belongs to one set of 200 watercolors that I'm going to do this year. Of course, I don't believe it either . When I painted it I was trying to show a sunrise. Doesn't it look like?.
I found this watercolor, which I don't know why I didn't post it, I think it isn't too bad. It belongs to one set of 200 watercolors that I'm going to do this year. Of course, I don't believe it either . When I painted it I was trying to show a sunrise. Doesn't it look like?.
sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010
Mientras mi esposa hacia la compra en la frutería, vi unas cebollas moradas, de modo que decidí pintarlas y este es el resultado. Me encantan los colores morados, rojos y los gises azulados. Disfruté muchísimo.
While my wife was buying at the greengrocer, I saw these purple onions, so that I decided to paint them and here it's the result. I love the purple, red, carmine and blue grays colors. I enjoyed a lot.
While my wife was buying at the greengrocer, I saw these purple onions, so that I decided to paint them and here it's the result. I love the purple, red, carmine and blue grays colors. I enjoyed a lot.
jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010
Estoy estos días bastante ocupado y no pude pintar tanto como me hubiera gustado. Hasta el próximo mes no podré pintar como siempre. Es decir poco pero mal, Ja,Ja..Ayer pinté estas granadas porque me parecían bastante rojas y a veces necesito ver algo rojo diferente del gobierno, Ja.Ja...
These days I'm very busy and I coudn't paint so much as I would like to do. Until next month I won't be able to paint as usually. That is, litle but bad, He, He..Yesterday I painted those pomegranates because they look like to me red enough and, sometimes, I need seeing red something diferent other than the government,He,He..
These days I'm very busy and I coudn't paint so much as I would like to do. Until next month I won't be able to paint as usually. That is, litle but bad, He, He..Yesterday I painted those pomegranates because they look like to me red enough and, sometimes, I need seeing red something diferent other than the government,He,He..
lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010
Hacia Playa Canela (Portonovo)
En Portonovo hay dos playas, Canela y Canelilla. La más grande es Canela una playa bonita y algo salvaje estupenda para pintar. Este es el camino hacia Canela que esta algo alejada del pueblo, pero lo peor son sus caminos empinados. Para ir allí tienes que ir en coche o ser un buen alpinista. Yo lo era hace tiempo. Pinte este cuadro de una foto pero hace algunos años, cinco exactamente, es decir cuando era joven, Ja,Ja..,y probablemente mis pinturas eran mejores que ahora, hice este cuadro aire libre que puede verse más abajo.
Me gustaría pintar una acuarela, espero hacerlo usando como modelo mi nieta, así que cualquier lo pondré, lamentablemente mis trabajos son bastante inesperados. Hay que esperar y ver.
In Portonovo there are two beaches, Canela and Canelilla. The biggest is Canela a very nice beach a bit savage and fantastic to make paintings. This is the road towards Canela, it's some way off the village, but the worst are its steep roads. To get there you must go by car or being a good climber. I was time ago. I painted this using a picture, but some years ago, five exactly, that is to say, when I was young, He,He.., and probably my paintings were better than now, I made "plain air" this one that you can see below.
I would like to paint a watercolor, I hope to do it using as model my granddaughter, therefore any day I'll post, regrettably my works are completely unexpected. Wait and see.
Me gustaría pintar una acuarela, espero hacerlo usando como modelo mi nieta, así que cualquier lo pondré, lamentablemente mis trabajos son bastante inesperados. Hay que esperar y ver.
In Portonovo there are two beaches, Canela and Canelilla. The biggest is Canela a very nice beach a bit savage and fantastic to make paintings. This is the road towards Canela, it's some way off the village, but the worst are its steep roads. To get there you must go by car or being a good climber. I was time ago. I painted this using a picture, but some years ago, five exactly, that is to say, when I was young, He,He.., and probably my paintings were better than now, I made "plain air" this one that you can see below.
I would like to paint a watercolor, I hope to do it using as model my granddaughter, therefore any day I'll post, regrettably my works are completely unexpected. Wait and see.
viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010
Sandia y manzana

Mientras pintaba pensaba en la última novela que leí. ¿ No resulta extraño lo que come algún protagonista?. Encontré que uno de ellos comía un bocadillo de albóndigas y mas adelante un "sandwich" de lechuga y queso. Supongo que otros lectores encontraran bastante asquerosas algunas de nuestras comidas. ¿Qué pensaran de una cena de angulas? o de pulpo cocido con pimentón y aceite,
Así que decidí concentrarme en mi pintura y tratando de conseguir algo no demasiado asqueroso.
While I was painting I was thinking about the last novel I've read. Is it not strange what type of meals has a protagonist?. I found one of them who had a snack of dumplings, then more later a sandwich of lettuce and cheese. I suppose that other readers will find some of our foods nasty enough. What will they think about if someone has eels for dinner? or octopus cooked with paprika and oil
So that I decided concentrate on my painting, trying get something not too repugnant.
lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010
jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

Pinte estas ciruelas, porque es mas fácil. Para pintar naranjas se necesita mas experiencia, así que lo dejo para otro día. Probare nuevos experimentos con los bordes en los siguientes bodegones y veremos que pasa.
P.D. Un h. de p. me ha puesto un virus que me impide poner acentos, en su lugar aparecen comillas. El lector tendrá que suplirlos con la imaginación. Solo se corrigen algunos con la corrección ortográfica del blog
I painted those plums, because is easy enough. To paint oranges is needed more skill, so I'll leave them for other day. I'll try new experiments with edges in my next still lifes, painting soft and hard edges and seeing what happens.
lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

Pinté estos albaricoques con algunos colores un tanto extraños, es posible que haya exagerado un poco sus intensidades. Algunas veces necesito cambiar algo o utilizar enfoques distintos. Uno puede encontrar muchas pinturas con estilos diferentes y gente que les gusta, así que no es imposible que haya alguien que le guste esta pintura. Sobre gustos no hay nada escrito.
I painted this apricots using some strangers colors, it's possible that I exaggerated a bit theirs intensities. Sometimes I need to change something or trying do differents approaches. You can find a lot of paintings with styles differents from each other and many people who like them so that it is not impossible that somebody likes this painting. Different strokes for different folks.
lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

Ayer pinte estos melocotones y observé que estoy perdiendo práctica con los bodegones. Creo que debería centrarme en un solo tema, no todo en un mismo blog. Sí, estoy amenazando con otro blog, pero afortunadamente no cumplo mis amenazas.
Seguiré haciendo lo mismo
Yesterday I painted those peaches and I could see is I'm loosing practice about the still lifes. I think I would need to practice only one theme, so that I should focus more on watercolor or oil paintings but not all in a single blog. I'm threatening with another blog, but fortunately I break my threats.
I'll go keeping the same things.
viernes, 16 de julio de 2010
Hacia San Estevo

Ésta acuarela es de una foto que hice cuando fuimos al Parador de San Estevo en la Ribera Sacra. Tengo muchas fotos que utilizaré muchas veces, cuando este cansado de mis bodegones.
This is of a picture that I took when we went to Parador San Estevo in Ribera Sacra. I have a lot of photos of there, so that I think I'll use them frecuently, when I feel bored of my still lifes.
viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

Estoy tratando de aprender a pintar flores. Esta es una Rudbeckia que cogí del del jardín y espero pintar más. Trataré de hacerlo mejor. Al menos eso espero.
I'm learning to paint flowers. This is a rudbeckia that I took from the garden and I hope to paint more. I'll try to get better results. At least I hope so.
lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Esta es una playa en donde paso mis vacaciones en Galicia. He pintado una acuarela para variar de los óleos y de los paisajes de la Ribera Sacra.
En Madrid tenemos ahora un tiempo muy caluroso, 35ºC, así que es mejor pintar dentro de casa.
This is one beach where I spend my vacations in Galicia. I painted a watercolor to vary of my oil paintings and Ribera Sacra's landscapes.
In Madrid we have a very hot wether ,now it's on 96º F, so that I prefer to paint at home.
viernes, 2 de julio de 2010
Ribera Sacra Castillón

¿Por qué hacemos algunas veces malas pinturas?. Muchos aficionados como yo tendemos a ignorar algunos principios básicos. En mi última pintura al óleo cometí varios errores. Estos son algunos de los principales:
-No utilizar suficiente pintura en las pinceladas.
-Insistir con pinceladas sobre zonas que tienen un valor o un color erróneo.
Cuando cometemos un error la mejor opción es quitar la pincelada con la espátula o utilizar más cantidad de pintura sobre la zona. Yo creo que lo mejor es quitarlo con la espátula.
Probé a aplicar estos principios, que ya conocía, a esta pintura. Representa la entrada del sitio donde estuve alojado en la Ribera Sacra.
En mi habitación había una poesía en Gallego que a pesar de mi ascendencia gallego no pude traducirlo del todo. Aquí lo pongo por si alguien sabe su traducción:
Crudel anguria isolada
que fura nos aers doentes
seu voó inmóvil somentes
hastra o corazón da nada.
hastra o corazón. Cravada
aló onde un anxo senlleiro
leite e mel da ó aviaxeiro
urra inmóvil tremellido
que adianta de si, detido
lixeiro, sempre lixeiro
Why do we sometimes make paints not too well?. Many fond of paints like me, we forget some basic principles. In my last oil painting I made several mistakes. Here are some of them:que fura nos aers doentes
seu voó inmóvil somentes
hastra o corazón da nada.
hastra o corazón. Cravada
aló onde un anxo senlleiro
leite e mel da ó aviaxeiro
urra inmóvil tremellido
que adianta de si, detido
lixeiro, sempre lixeiro
Esperemos que alguién lo sepa.
- Not using enough paint in my brushstrokes.
- Repeat some brushstrokes at the same place trying to correct value or hue.
When we make one mistake, the best option is takes away the brushstroke with the palette knife or using more paint on that place. I think it's much better removing it.
I intended, aplying those principles, improving this painting. It represents the entrance door of my hosting in Ribera Sacra.
In my room I had a poem in Galician, spite of my ancestry, I couldn't traslate it, so that I ask Galicians for a traslation.
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