Este cuadro es el último de este año, el próximo espero pintar tanto como sea posible, dividiendo el tiempo que dedique a la pintura entre óleos y acuarelas.
Feliz año nuevo a todos.
This painting is the last of this year, next year I hope to paint as much as possible, dividing the time dedicated for painting between oils and watercolors.
I wish everybody a happy new year.
sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011
sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011
No conseguí pintar cada dos semanas, pero por lo menos el cuadro no es demasiado pequeño. Reperesenta una playa de Galicia, al fondo se puede adivinar un puerto deportivo.
I didn't get paint each two weeks, but at least I've painted a picture not too small. It's a Galicia beach, at the background you can guess a yatch harbor.
I didn't get paint each two weeks, but at least I've painted a picture not too small. It's a Galicia beach, at the background you can guess a yatch harbor.
domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011
Paisaje marino
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde de mi última pintura. Por fin, hice esta marina. Para mis próximas pinturas creo que voy a pintarlas en lienzos de este tamaño. En vez de pintar mas a menudo voy a tratar de hacer una cada dos semanas y el resto del tiempo voy a seguir pintando acuarelas.
Much time has passed since my last painting. At last, I did this seascape. I think I'll do my next paintings in oils on canvas at this size. Instead of painting more often, I'll try to do one every two week and the rest of time I'll keep painting watercolors.
Much time has passed since my last painting. At last, I did this seascape. I think I'll do my next paintings in oils on canvas at this size. Instead of painting more often, I'll try to do one every two week and the rest of time I'll keep painting watercolors.
martes, 30 de agosto de 2011
Después de un tiempo desde mi último óleo, he comenzado a pintar este pescador. Lo hice a partir de una foto que tomé en Galicia. A mi me gustan mucho los temas marino, pero según mi hija, no hay mucha gente que les gusten, o tal vez si. Sin embargo se pueden encontrar muchos artistas que pintan magníficos paisajes marinos o de barcos navegando contra tempestades.
Esta pintura es más modesta, pero cuando la pintaba me estaba imaginando otra pintura más complicada. Dejo pintar eso para el próximo año. Como es mi costumbre.
Spent time since my last oil painting, I started to painting this fisherman. I did it from a photo that I took in Galicia. I like a lot sea themes, but according to my daugther, there are no many people that like them or perhaps yes. Nevertheless, you can find many artist who paint wonderful seascapes, or ships sailing against storms.
This painting is more modest, but when I was painting it, I was imagining other more complicated picture. I leave the paint that for next year. As usual.
Esta pintura es más modesta, pero cuando la pintaba me estaba imaginando otra pintura más complicada. Dejo pintar eso para el próximo año. Como es mi costumbre.
Spent time since my last oil painting, I started to painting this fisherman. I did it from a photo that I took in Galicia. I like a lot sea themes, but according to my daugther, there are no many people that like them or perhaps yes. Nevertheless, you can find many artist who paint wonderful seascapes, or ships sailing against storms.
This painting is more modest, but when I was painting it, I was imagining other more complicated picture. I leave the paint that for next year. As usual.
miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011
Mañana me voy de vacaciones. Espero estar de vuelta en septiembre con nuevas pinturas.
Tomorrow I'm going on vacation. I hope being back with more paintings in September
Tomorrow I'm going on vacation. I hope being back with more paintings in September
martes, 19 de julio de 2011
El mar
De nuevo, esta pintura es mi respuesta al nuevo desafio: hacer una pintura inspirada en una canción. Yo elegí "La mer" de Charles Trenet. Una maravillosa canción... "La mer Qu'on voit danser le longdes golfes clairs...".
Again, this painting is my answer to the new challenge: to paint a picture taking as inspiration some song. I chose "La mer " by Charles Trenet; a wonderful song,,,"The see which one sees dancing the clear gulfs..."
miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011
Sandia y cacharro de cocina
Pinté esta sandía reflejándose en una olla para el nuevo desafío de DPW.
A veces cuando la gente ve los reflejos se siente sorprendida pensando como se pueden pintar. Solo hay que pintar lo que se ve, pero no incluya todo lo que ve o su pintura se verá farragosa como me sucedió a mi.
I painted this watermelon reflected in a pot for the new challenge of DPW.
Sometimes, when some people watch reflections they feel surprised thinking of how it can do them. You only have to paint what you see, but not include all that you are seeing or your painting will look too busy as it happened to me.
A veces cuando la gente ve los reflejos se siente sorprendida pensando como se pueden pintar. Solo hay que pintar lo que se ve, pero no incluya todo lo que ve o su pintura se verá farragosa como me sucedió a mi.
I painted this watermelon reflected in a pot for the new challenge of DPW.
Sometimes, when some people watch reflections they feel surprised thinking of how it can do them. You only have to paint what you see, but not include all that you are seeing or your painting will look too busy as it happened to me.
jueves, 7 de julio de 2011
Isla de Arosa
Estoy moderadamente satisfecho con esta pintura. Representa la Isla de Arosa y no me resistí a tentación de pintar los cielos con los colores que me gustan. Es posible que estén algo exagerados, pero no hay ninguna obligación de pintar exactamente lo que ves, excepto si eres un pintor realista.
I'm moderately satisfied with this painting. It represents Arosa's island and I couldn't resist the temptation to paint with colors I like. Possibly, the sky has colors a bit satured, but there isn't any obligation to paint exactly what you see, except only if you are a hiperrealistic painter.
domingo, 3 de julio de 2011
Sandía y jarra de Talavera
Después de borrar el último cuadro, utilicé de nuevo el lienzo y pinté este bodegón, una sandía y una jarra de Talavera.
After having erased the last painting, again, I utilized that canvas for this still life, a watermelon and a jar from Talavera. I like more than the old mill.
After having erased the last painting, again, I utilized that canvas for this still life, a watermelon and a jar from Talavera. I like more than the old mill.
martes, 28 de junio de 2011
Un viejo molino
Esta nueva pintura que envié a DPW representa un antiguo molino. Fue pintada a partir de una foto, cambiando la estación y añadiendo algunos reflejos sobre el agua.
This new painting sent to DPW represents an old mill. It was painted from a photo, with a changing season and adding some reflections in the water.
domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011
El mes próximo me voy a Galicia y no se si podre pintar óleos. Espero hacer principalmente acuarelas que puden verse en mi blog de acuarelas
The next month I'll go to Galicia and I don't know if I'll be able to do some oil paintings. I hope, principally, to paint watercolors, you can be seen on my blog of watercolors.
sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011
Pintar mascotas no es uno de mi temas favoritos, pero he tratado de intentarlo. He puesto esta pintura en el desafío de DailyPaintworks. Me gustaría pintar algunos paisaje , así que el próximo día pintare alguno
Pets painting is not one of my favorites themes, but I had to try it on. I posted this painting in challenge of DailyPaintworks. I would like to do some lanscapes, so that in the next days I'll paint some one.
Pets painting is not one of my favorites themes, but I had to try it on. I posted this painting in challenge of DailyPaintworks. I would like to do some lanscapes, so that in the next days I'll paint some one.
viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011
Pinté este bodegón para el nuevo desafío de esta semana. Me gusta la berenjena, el pimiento y la cebolla. Las berenjenas y los pimientos fritos y las cebollas sobre la pizza con bastante queso.
I did this still-life for the new challenge of this week. I like the eggplant, pepper and onion. Eggplants and pepers fried and onions over the pizza with enough cheese.
martes, 19 de abril de 2011
Tres ciruelas
Aquí está mi respuesta al nuevo reto de Carol Marine: Tres ciruelas. Mañana enviaré una acuarela
This is my answer to the new challenge of Carol Marine: Three plums. Tomorrow I'll send a watercolor.
This is my answer to the new challenge of Carol Marine: Three plums. Tomorrow I'll send a watercolor.
viernes, 15 de abril de 2011
Hace tiempo que no pinto flores. Yo creo que es porque me parece difícil y realmente este cuadro de margaritas no está entre mis favoritos
I don't paint flowers since long ago. I think is because it seems difficult to me and, certainly, this painting on daisies it isn't my favorite.
I don't paint flowers since long ago. I think is because it seems difficult to me and, certainly, this painting on daisies it isn't my favorite.
domingo, 3 de abril de 2011
Paisaje de Alemania o tal vez de Galicia
Pinté este paisaje de una foto de Carol Marine. Propuso un nuevo desafío en Daily Painworks. Yo como siempre hice mi propia interpretación, puse los colores que me gustan.
I painted this landscape from a Carol Marine picture. She proposed a new challenge in Daily Paintworks. As always, I did my own interpretation, I put the colors that I like.
I painted this landscape from a Carol Marine picture. She proposed a new challenge in Daily Paintworks. As always, I did my own interpretation, I put the colors that I like.
sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011
Paisaje con rio
En ese paisaje trate de pintar el movimiento del agua en el río, lo hice usando bastante aceite, normalmente sólo lo uso cuando quiero hacer algún efecto especial. Digo toda esta historia, porque en la foto han salido unos reflejos en el lado izquierdo y los colores no se han reproducido correctamente. La sustituiré cuando pueda.
In this landscape I tried to paint the movement of water in the river. I did it using quite oil, usally,I only use it when I want to paint a special effect. I say all that stuff, because in this picture there is some reflection of the light on the left side and colors are not reproduced correctly. I'll substitute it when possible.
In this landscape I tried to paint the movement of water in the river. I did it using quite oil, usally,I only use it when I want to paint a special effect. I say all that stuff, because in this picture there is some reflection of the light on the left side and colors are not reproduced correctly. I'll substitute it when possible.
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011
Mariscadora gallega
El trabajo de mariscadora es duro. Tienen que luchar contra la humedad y con la posición agachada que exige su trabajo. Este ha sido siempre un trabajo de mujeres en Galicia.
Si quieres conocer mas sobre Galicia en esta web se puede hacer un viaje virtual por todos los sitios. Visitando muchos lugares con vistas panorámicas y muchos paisajes y ciudades de Galicia. Está escrito en Gallego, Español, Francés e Inglés.
¡ Yo conseguí encontrar la calle donde tengo mi piso!
The job of fisherwomen, who collect shellfish, is a hard work. They have to fight against wet and the crouched position of their work. This has always been a tipical work of women in Galicia.
If you want to know more about Galicia in this web you can travel virtually everywhere. Visiting many places with panoramic views and a lot of diferent landscapes and cities from all Galicia. It's written in Spanish, English and French.
I Got seeing the street where I have my flat ! .
Si quieres conocer mas sobre Galicia en esta web se puede hacer un viaje virtual por todos los sitios. Visitando muchos lugares con vistas panorámicas y muchos paisajes y ciudades de Galicia. Está escrito en Gallego, Español, Francés e Inglés.
¡ Yo conseguí encontrar la calle donde tengo mi piso!
The job of fisherwomen, who collect shellfish, is a hard work. They have to fight against wet and the crouched position of their work. This has always been a tipical work of women in Galicia.
If you want to know more about Galicia in this web you can travel virtually everywhere. Visiting many places with panoramic views and a lot of diferent landscapes and cities from all Galicia. It's written in Spanish, English and French.
I Got seeing the street where I have my flat ! .
miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011
Demasiada nieve
Con esta acuarela de dos mujeres andando por la ciudad nevada, se puede visitar mi nuevo blog de acuarelas. Llevo tiempo amenazando con hacer un blog sobre acuarelas y finalmente conseguí llevarlo a cabo. Seguiré mostrando óleos en este blog mientras pongo acuarelas en el otro. Espero tener tiempo para los dos
With this watercolor of two women walking cross the city snowy, you can watch the opening of my new blog of watercolors. I have long threatened with making a blog about watercolors and finally I managed to carry it out. I'll keep showing oil paintings in this blog while I'll post watercolors in my other blog. I hope to have time for both of them.
lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011
Este es un nuevo desafío de Daily Paintworks. Pinté esta mandarina, pero no pude conseguir el efecto mosaico. Me he estado quejando todo el día, no pude permitir que mis bordes fueran visibles, de modo que decidí quedarme sin postre por la noche , tal como Carol Marine recomendó. Por cierto que no veo españoles en esos desafíos. Creo que hay que atreverse y presentarse. Son desafíos incuentros.
This a new challenge of Daily Paintworks. I painted this tangerine, but I couldn't get the mosaic effect. I've been complaining of it all day, I couldn't let my edges were visible, so I decided not to have dessert for dinner, as Carol Marine recomended.
This a new challenge of Daily Paintworks. I painted this tangerine, but I couldn't get the mosaic effect. I've been complaining of it all day, I couldn't let my edges were visible, so I decided not to have dessert for dinner, as Carol Marine recomended.
jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011
Dije que iba a intentar pintar una manzana en 10 minutos, pero hice un pimiento- no me refiero a que salió un pimiento- hice un pimiento. ¿ Cuánto tiempo tardé?. No voy a contestar sin la presencia de mi abogado. Pero si alguien lo adivina, le mandaré una preciosa botellita de lejía.
Tienes que ser cuidadoso con tus objetivos. El pintar rápido es solo un medio de simplificar las formas.
Trata de no pintar lo superfluo, ese es el verdadero objetivo.
I told you I was going to try painting an apple in 10 minutes, but I made a pepper. How long did it take me?. I can not answer without the presence of my lawyer. But if anyone can guess, I'll send him or her a beautiful bottle of lye.
You have to be careful with your goals. Making a painting quickly is only a way to simplify the shapes. Try not to paint needless things, that's the real target.
Tienes que ser cuidadoso con tus objetivos. El pintar rápido es solo un medio de simplificar las formas.
Trata de no pintar lo superfluo, ese es el verdadero objetivo.
I told you I was going to try painting an apple in 10 minutes, but I made a pepper. How long did it take me?. I can not answer without the presence of my lawyer. But if anyone can guess, I'll send him or her a beautiful bottle of lye.
You have to be careful with your goals. Making a painting quickly is only a way to simplify the shapes. Try not to paint needless things, that's the real target.
lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011
Boceto de flores
Todavía no puedo pintar al óleo, porque donde pinto normalmente lo tengo lleno de cosas, así que me decidí por hacer un pequeño boceto de acuarela para usarlo con otra pintura más grande, probando la técnica de húmedo sobre húmedo.
En realidad, esta acuarela no tiene ningún interés, pero no hay otra osa.
I still cannot paint in oils, because the room where I usually paint, it's full of objects, so that I decided to paint this small size watercolor to use it with a larger one, trying I get used to wet-into-wet technique.
Really, this watercolor doesn't have any interest, but there is nothing else.
En realidad, esta acuarela no tiene ningún interés, pero no hay otra osa.
I still cannot paint in oils, because the room where I usually paint, it's full of objects, so that I decided to paint this small size watercolor to use it with a larger one, trying I get used to wet-into-wet technique.
Really, this watercolor doesn't have any interest, but there is nothing else.
lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011
Rosa roja
Acepté el reto de pintar una rosa roja en Daily Paintworks Challenge. Me hubiera gusta haberla hecho en 10 minutos, pero me llevo 35. Necesite más tiempo porque me costaba desenroscar los tubos de pintura. Ja, Ja.. Si hubiera sido una manzana seguramente podría haberla pintado en 10 minutos o al menos eso creo yo. Soy tan presumido!. Tengo que probarlo
I accepted the challenge to paint a red rose in Daily Paintworks Challenge. I'd like having done it in 10 minutes, but it took me 35 minutos. I need so long because I had trouble unscrewing the tubes of paint. I'm kidding. If it were an apple surely I could paint it in 10 minutes or at least I think so. I'm as vain!. I have to try it.
I accepted the challenge to paint a red rose in Daily Paintworks Challenge. I'd like having done it in 10 minutes, but it took me 35 minutos. I need so long because I had trouble unscrewing the tubes of paint. I'm kidding. If it were an apple surely I could paint it in 10 minutes or at least I think so. I'm as vain!. I have to try it.
martes, 8 de febrero de 2011
Castillo de Alarcón
He aceptado la sugerencia de Mega, mi amiga blogera y he pintado una acuarela. Todavía no puedo pintar al óleo, de modo que pintaré acuarelas o dibujos, si tengo tiempo.
I've accepted the suggestion of my friend Mega and I painted a watercolor. I still cannot paint in oil , so I'll paint watercolors or drawings, if I have time enough.
I've accepted the suggestion of my friend Mega and I painted a watercolor. I still cannot paint in oil , so I'll paint watercolors or drawings, if I have time enough.
viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011
Isla de Arosa
No he podido pintar desde mi último post. Nos están arreglando el baño, el salón y el tejado, así que tengo albañiles en la casa y me es imposible pintar.
He encontrado este cuadro que pinte hace cuatro años. Es la isla de Arosa y la figura es mi esposa, que como no protestó por su parecido, lo puedo mostrar. Lo pinté mediante capas, no como actualmente, "alla prima". Espero que la próxima semana podré pintar algo.
I couldn't paint since my last post. We are having the bath, the living room and the roof repaired, therefore there are stonemasons at home and it's impossible to paint.
I found this painting that I made four years ago. Is the Arosa's island and the figure is my wife, who didn't protest for her likeness, so I can show. I painted it using layers, not as now, "alla prima". I hope the next week I'll be able something.
He encontrado este cuadro que pinte hace cuatro años. Es la isla de Arosa y la figura es mi esposa, que como no protestó por su parecido, lo puedo mostrar. Lo pinté mediante capas, no como actualmente, "alla prima". Espero que la próxima semana podré pintar algo.
I couldn't paint since my last post. We are having the bath, the living room and the roof repaired, therefore there are stonemasons at home and it's impossible to paint.
I found this painting that I made four years ago. Is the Arosa's island and the figure is my wife, who didn't protest for her likeness, so I can show. I painted it using layers, not as now, "alla prima". I hope the next week I'll be able something.
miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011
La cala
Tal como dije hace algunos días que iba a pintar retratos, aquí está un paisaje. Me llevo tres días pintarlo, dos horas cada día y lo hice "alla prima". El tamaño es el más grande desde hace dos años, verdaderamente no es demasiado grande, pero mis pinturas ahora son más pequeños.
La pintura representa una cala en Mallorca. Los bañistas no estaban porque era la hora de la comida o porque estaba cansado de pintar. Algo así.
As I said some days ago I was going to paint portraits, here there is a landscape. I've been painting it for three days, two hours each day and "alla prima". Its size is the biggest since the last two years, really it's not too big, but my paintings now are smaller.
The painting represents a cove in Mallorca, with its clear water. Swimmers weren't because they were in the lunch or because I was tired to paint. Something like that.
La pintura representa una cala en Mallorca. Los bañistas no estaban porque era la hora de la comida o porque estaba cansado de pintar. Algo así.
As I said some days ago I was going to paint portraits, here there is a landscape. I've been painting it for three days, two hours each day and "alla prima". Its size is the biggest since the last two years, really it's not too big, but my paintings now are smaller.
The painting represents a cove in Mallorca, with its clear water. Swimmers weren't because they were in the lunch or because I was tired to paint. Something like that.
martes, 18 de enero de 2011
Bailaora II
He pintado otra bailaora, pero puedo prometer y prometo que no pintaré más por el momento. Creo que voy a pintar retratos. Como son desconocidos, diré que tienen un parecido asombroso. No obstante, admitiré protestas.
Another "bailaora", but I can promise and promise I'll not paint more by the moment. I think will paint portraits. As nobody knows them, I'll say that they have an astounding likeness. But I'll admit protests, in any case.
Another "bailaora", but I can promise and promise I'll not paint more by the moment. I think will paint portraits. As nobody knows them, I'll say that they have an astounding likeness. But I'll admit protests, in any case.
jueves, 13 de enero de 2011
Paisaje con dos árboles
He pintado este paisaje mientras preparo unos lienzos más grandes. Ahora, acostumbro a utilizarlos más pequeños, pero creo que hay que cambiar a formatos distintos, si uno desea incluir más cosas en la pintura.
I painted this landscape while I make some canvas bigger than this one. Now, I'm used to painting on smaller, but think is necesary to change towards differents formats, if you want to include more things in your painting.
I painted this landscape while I make some canvas bigger than this one. Now, I'm used to painting on smaller, but think is necesary to change towards differents formats, if you want to include more things in your painting.
sábado, 8 de enero de 2011
martes, 4 de enero de 2011
Al igual que todos los años, al comenzar uno nuevo, me propongo nuevos objetivos. El primero es elegir temas diferentes. El segundo, pintar acuarelas y pasteles y el tercero es pintar mejor, este es más fácil de conseguir si pinto con más frecuencia que ahora.
Me encanta proponerme nuevas metas, porque nunca los llevo a cabo, así que en el año próximo no necesito pensar en nuevas. Estoy acostumbrado a proponerme los mismos objetivos siempre.
As every year, at the beginning of one new, I also propose new objectives. The first is to choose differents themes. The second, is to do watercolors and pastels and the third is to paint better, this last is got easily if I paint more often than lately.
I love setting new targets, because I never carry out my plans, so that in the next year, it isn't necessary to think about new ones. I'm used to always proposing the same objectives.
Me encanta proponerme nuevas metas, porque nunca los llevo a cabo, así que en el año próximo no necesito pensar en nuevas. Estoy acostumbrado a proponerme los mismos objetivos siempre.
As every year, at the beginning of one new, I also propose new objectives. The first is to choose differents themes. The second, is to do watercolors and pastels and the third is to paint better, this last is got easily if I paint more often than lately.
I love setting new targets, because I never carry out my plans, so that in the next year, it isn't necessary to think about new ones. I'm used to always proposing the same objectives.
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